Month in Review -- November --
1963 -- An employee of Parrot Jungle in Miami hears an unidentified male
make some remarks about a friend of his named Lee who is an American Marxist, speaks Russian and is a crack marksman. The man makes references to Kennedy and “shooting between the eyes” and adds that his friend is now in either Texas or Mexico. Later, the man will be identified as Jorge Soto Martinez, who had been a customs inspector in Cuba for most of his life until Castro fired him.
Welcome to The JFK Assassination Board! The ultimate form of censorship is assassination! JFK was censored on November 22, 1963. We are FREE to use and always will be! Our goal is to EDUCATE and NOT make money. We follow the Fair Use Law as the purpose of this Board is research and education.
The JFK Assassination Board is here 24/7/365 days a year so visit us as much as you like. If you are a critical thinker, come visit us and learn more about the most nefarious crime in U.S. history. It has been sixty years since this occured, but it is as relevant today as it was on the day it happened. We appreciate your support very much.
We are looking for members who have written about the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations. If you ***have not written on these subjects please do not send us a membership request*** as we are not looking to accept members who have no research to contribute at this time. The JFK Assassination is not a forum, so we do not plan on having discussions here. We do this on our social media outlets (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and MeWe) so if you are interested please follow, like, contact and friend us. Thank you.
Enjoy 31 quotes by John F. Kennedy by hitting "read more."
HIGHLIGHTED POST -- The Statements That Sink The WC's Conclusions #510 -- The Harold Holly Story --
The STSTWCsCs Board -- A reserve police officer for the Dallas Police Department said that he was told by a fellow reserve officer that Jack Ruby was let into the basement to shoot Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963, and was wearing press credentials.
HIGHLIGHTED POST -- The ARRB Files -- Cartha DeLoach Memo Re: LOOK --
The ARRB Related Board -- Cartha DeLoach at the FBI was kept abreast of all articles regarding the JFK assassination if they were critical of the Warren Commission's conclusion. Even years later.
The JFK Assassination Board Video Spotlight:
The full "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" series is here for your viewing. We have the the full series episode by episode in our Navbar area, but if you want to watch all of it together with no interruption then click the link below. Enjoy.
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JFK Assassination Quotes
"[J. Edgar] Hoover lied his eyes out to the (Warren) Commission, on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the gun, you name it..." -- Congressman Hale Boggs, member of the Warren Commission.
JFK -- John F. Kennedy --
LHO -- Lee Harvey Oswald --
RFK -- Robert F. Kennedy --
LBJ -- Lyndon B. Johnson --
JEH -- J. Edgar Hoover --
JBC -- John B. Connally--
WC -- Warren Commission --
HSCA -- House Select Committee on Assassinations --
ARRB -- Assassination Records Review Board --
CC -- Church Committee --
EAW -- General Edwin A. Walker --
SBT -- Single Bullet Theory --
CIA -- Central Intelligence Agency --
FBI -- Federal Bureau of Investigations --
SS -- Secret Service --
CE -- Commission Exhibit --
CD -- Commission Document --
ONI -- Office of Naval Intelligence --
DIA -- Defense Intelligence Agency --
JDT -- J.D. Tippit --
BRW -- Bonnie Ray Williams --
BWF -- Buell Wesley Frazier --
JER -- James Earl Ray --
GDM -- George DeMohrenschildt --
TSBD -- Texas School Book Depository --
DPD -- Dallas Police Department --
RP -- Ruth Paine --
MP -- Michael Paine --
GK -- Grassy Knoll --
TT -- Texas Theater --
MLK -- Martin Luther King --
SN -- Sniper's Nest --
JBK -- Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy --
JCB -- Johnny Calvin Brewer --
M-C -- Mannlicher-Carcano --
PH -- Parkland Hospital --
NSAM -- National Security Action Memorandum --
BYPs -- Backyard Photographs --
BOP -- Bay Of Pigs --
RCMP -- Royal Canadian Mounted Police --
FOIA -- Freedom Of Information Act --
JCS -- Joint Chiefs of Staff --
DMN -- Dallas Morning News --
WH -- White House --
RMN -- Richard Milhouse Nixon --
RC -- Roger Craig --
MGB -- McGeorge Bundy --
RSM -- Robert Strange McNamara --
DR -- Dean Rusk --
JPK -- Joseph P. Kennedy --
NSC -- National Security Council --
SoS -- Secretary of State --
SoD -- Secretary of Defense --
NYT -- The New York Times --
WP -- The Washington Post --
KSG -- Klein's Sporting Goods --
FPCC -- Fair Play For Cuba Committee --
DTH -- Dallas Times Herald --
HOR -- House of Representatives --
AG -- Attorney General --
DOJ -- Department Of Justice --
AP -- Associated Press --
SDRR -- Sportsdrome Rifle Range --
UPI -- United Press International --
Who's Who in the JFK Assassination
This area will look at various people and groups associated with the assassination. --
Source: Who's Who In The JFK Assassination by Michael Benson. --
LARRY HUFF, HSCA witness. Huff's wife told the HSCA that her husband had learned of a JFK assassination investigation team sponsored by the military and run out of Camp Smith in Hawaii. The man in charge of the investigation was reportedly Lieutenant General Carson A. Roberts. This report is interesting because no record of such an investigation exists. According to the HSCA: Huff stated under oath on December 14, 1963, that he departed Kaneohe Base in Hawaii in a C-54-T aircraft, serial number 50855, for Wa ke Island, with Chief Warrant Officer Morgan as pilot... Huff stated that there were ten to twelve CID military investigators on that flight [for which Huff was navigator]... Huff said that he learned the purpose of the trip by the CID investigators through conversations on the plane during the flight... On the return flight, he had spoken with the investigators about their work in Japan and was told that they had spent the entire stay investigating Oswald. Huff said that during that flight he was allowed to read the report prepared by the investigators. He described the report as being typewritten, about 20 pages, and classified "Secret-For Marine Corps Eyes Only." Huff recollected that the substance of the report dealt with interviews of individuals and that it contained a psychological evaluation of Oswald. Huff remembered the conclusion being that Oswald was incapable of committing the assassination alone. The Defense Department told the HSCA that it had no record of any such flight or any such investigation. The department said that Huff was confusing his story with an actual military investigation of John Edward Pic, Oswald's half-brother. Why was the military investigating Oswald's half-brother? (See also Pic, John Edward; Roberts, Carson) Sources: HSCA XI, 541-9 • HT 273-5 • SUMMERS 566 * See HSCA Says...Larry Huff for more information.
John F. Kennedy Quotes
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." -- John F. Kennedy