Post by Rob Caprio on Feb 5, 2020 22:13:15 GMT -5
All portions are ©️ Robert Caprio 2006-2025
I wonder what odds the folks at the Las Vegas, Nevada, gambling sites would put on the following scenario:
1 – A man moves to the Dallas area from Alabama just two months before a HUGE event.
2 – The man has a sister in the area, and she agrees to let him stay with her despite being married with children to raise.
3- His sister will live within a ½ block of a woman who is storing the possessions of a man who will be tied to this HUGE event in a couple of months time.
4 – He finds work at a place that will be tied up in this HUGE event.
5 – The man, who has his possessions just a ½ block away, along with his wife and kids, will also get employment there too! This man could have quickly quit and took a more permanent job that would pay him $100.00 more a month, but he opts to keep his very temporary job (supposedly it could have ended in a few weeks) with a lower salary!
6- The man who moved here to live with his sister would be in a position to give the other man a ride to work occasionally and see “curtain rods!”
What do you think these odds would be? Astronomical would be my guess, but we are supposed to believe all of this occurred by “chance” according to the Warren Commission (WC)!
The first man is of course Wesley Frazier, the sister is Linnie Mae Randall, the very close neighbor is Ruth Paine and finally the second man is Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO).
ALL of this allowed the WC to claim LHO brought to work the alleged murder weapon on the morning of November 22, 1963!
Mr. BALL - Where do you work?
Mr. FRAZIER - Work at Texas School Books.
Mr. BALL - How long have you worked there?
Mr. FRAZIER - I have been working there since September.
Mr. BALL - September of 1963?
Mr. FRAZIER - Correct.
Mr. BALL - What kind of work do you do there?
Mr. FRAZIER - I fill orders.
Mr. BALL - How did you happen to get that job?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I went to see, first I come up there and started looking for a job and couldn't find one myself so I went to one of these employment agencies and through that a lady called up one morning, I was fixing to go out and look for one, I was looking for myself in the meantime when they were, too, and so she called up and gave me a tip to it if I was interested in a job like that I could go over there and see about that and for the time being I wasn't working and needed some money and so I did and I went over there and saw Mr. Truly, and he gave me an interview, and then he hired me the same day I went over there.
Mr. BALL - You say you came up, you mean you came up from Huntsville?
Mr. FRAZIER - That is right; yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - That was in September 1963?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; it was. (Vol. II, p. 212)
Coincidence, or more? YOU decide.
There is something interested in this tidbit of testimony that never seemed to register with me, or it seems anyone else, as I don’t recall it.
Mr. BALL - Did you have a place to park your car?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Was it assigned to you by Mr. Truly?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he just said we had a parking lot there and showed me where it was and said you can park in the parking lot.
Mr. BALL - Was that the parking lot two or three blocks from the building.
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir, it is down there; right across from the warehouse there.
Mr. BALL - Then you would walk from there from that parking lot--
Mr. FRAZIER - Up to the other Depository up there at the corner of Houston and Main. (Vol. II, pp. 413-414)
Did you see it? Mr. Ball says “Was that the parking lot two or three blocks from the building?” and Frazier says “Yes sir.” I just assumed the parking lot was closer than this and must have either not read this part thoroughly before or it did NOT register as I said, because this changes a lot. Most parking lots are right near the building for most places of work so I just thought this was the case here. This testimony opens up so many new possibilities it is not funny. We are expected to believe that LHO got out carrying a long package for TWO OR THREE BLOCKS with NO one seeing him do so BEYOND Frazier who was back at the car? Keep in mind that NO one saw LHO enter the building with a package, so if he did leave Frazier’s car with one, what did he do with it during the two to three block walk?
IF you believe that he had a package then you must believe he hid it or left it somewhere along the route to the building. Why would he do that IF he was the LONE shooter as the WC said? This point does NOT absolve LHO from being involved in the conspiracy, no, in fact, it could show (IF he had a package which is highly doubtful based on the evidence at hand) he was involved in a non-shooter way, and he was instructed to bring a rifle to work for a staged attempt or a real attempt on JFK.
The official theory side wants us to believe he got out of the car with a package, walked to the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) with it, entered the building with it, BUT the evidence does NOT show this. IF he had a package he had to leave it or hide it for someone else to use. Testimony by Ed Hoffman would show there were places to hide a rifle near the knoll area.
(Side note - Frazier also mentioned quite a few times how old his car was and if someone out there is interested you can read about the young man who visited the Sportsdrome Rifle Range with an old car. I don’t have the testimony right in front of me, but I believe one of the Davis sisters was involved in this business and she mentioned it during her testimony.)
We are led to believe LHO was a rabid Communist and general loudmouth about all his beliefs and causes, yet look at this snippet of testimony from Frazier!
Mr. BALL - Did he say anything about being in the Marines?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes; he told me he was a Marine.
Mr. BALL - That he had been to Japan?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he didn't say he had been to Japan.
Mr. BALL -*** Ever talk about politics?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he didn't. ***
Mr. BALL - Ever mention any subjects like, political parties, the
Democrats, Republicans?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he didn't.
Mr. BALL - ***Ever mention anything about Communists, Marxists or any words like that did he use?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.*** (Vol. II, p. 220)
It would seem LHO was falling down on the propaganda job, huh?
LHO always took a lunch with him when riding with Frazier, according to Frazier, so why could LHO simply not have brought his lunch on 11/22/63 with him?
Mr. BALL - Did you pack your lunch from home?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir, I always took lunch.
Mr. BALL - Do you remember whether or not when Oswald came back with you on any Monday morning or any weekend did he pack his lunch?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; he did.
Mr. BALL - He did?
Mr. FRAZIER - ***Yes, sir. When he rode with me, I say he always brought lunch except that one day on November 22 he didn't bring his lunch that day.***
Mr. BALL - But every other day he brought a lunch?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right, when he rode with me.
Mr. BALL - Would he bring it in a paper sack or what kind of a container?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; like a little paper sack you get out of a grocery store, you have seen these little old sacks that you could buy, sandwich bag, sack. (Vol. II, p.220)
Why would he not bring his lunch this time? The answer is obvious from a WC perspective, because he was going to be mowing down President John F. Kennedy (JFK) at lunchtime and didn’t need it! But wait, didn’t LHO say he was eating lunch around 12:00 PM? Didn’t folks he described out of a whole company eat lunch at the same time? Didn’t Carolyn Walter see him in the lunchroom? Yes is the answer to all of these questions, so why did he NOT bring his lunch on this day supposedly?
We don’t know that he didn’t, we just have a claim he didn’t.
Again, what are the odds that his sister just happened to live within a ½ block of the Paines?
Mr. BALL - You know where the house is, don't you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Where Mrs. Paine lives?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - How far is that from your house?
Mr. FRAZIER - Like I say, it is just about half a block up the street.
Mr. BALL - It is on the same street, is it?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, we lived at the corner of Westbrook and Fifth Street, and Fifth Street runs on up, you know, and I say they live on Fifth Street. (Vol. II, p. 223)
Coincidence? You decide.
We are led to believe LHO was walking around with a TWO FOOT long package (if you believe Frazier and Randall and 27” package if you believe the FBI and WC), and yet, no one made a comment on it!
Mr. BALL - Now, did your sister say anything as you were having breakfast?
Mr. FRAZIER - No; she didn't say anything to me at all.
Mr. BALL - She didn't say anything to you either about Oswald or did she?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; say, she didn't say, you know, when I looked up and saw him I knew who it was.
Mr. BALL - You saw him?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - What was he doing?
Mr. FRAZIER - He just looked through the kitchen window. To see from there on the ground outside there. I say you don't have to be any height at all, you don't have to be too tall to be able to look in the kitchen window there. I say, if you have the window open you can see in, if you have light on in there.
Mr. BALL - When your mother mentioned, "Who is that," you looked up and saw Lee Oswald in the kitchen window?
Mr. FRAZIER - I just saw him for a split second and when he saw I saw him, I guess he heard me say, "Well, it is time to go," and he walked down by the back door there. (Vol. II, p. 225)
So we see his mom (who was staying with them for a short visit) didn’t see a package, he didn’t see a package yet and his sister didn’t see a package yet! But we are supposed to believe his sister saw it good enough to say it was about 2 feet long! When did this happen for her? I don’t know because he would say this next.
Mr. BALL - When you went out the back door where was Oswald?
Mr. FRAZIER - He was standing just a few feet there outside the back door there.
Mr. BALL - He wasn't in the car?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he wasn't.
Mr. BALL - Was he near the car?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he wasn't.
You see, always I keep my car parked outside the carport there, on the other side.
Mr. BALL - He was just a few feet outside your back door when you came out?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - Did you walk together to the car?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes; we did.
Mr. BALL - And you got in one side and he got in the other?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes. Right in front there. (Vol. II, pp. 225-226)
So we are to believe that LHO was standing there like “Rainman” and had already put the package into the car, huh? Fair enough, but again I would ask how did Linnie Mae see the package to say it was ONLY 2 feet long? I would love to say she did see it since it has been shown a 40” Carcano broken down is still longer than two feet, but to be fair we have to ask this question.
Now we come to the infamous “curtain rods” claim.
Mr. BALL - You both got in the car about the same time?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - All right. When you got in the car did you say anything to him or did he say anything to you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Let's see, when I got in the car I have a kind of habit of glancing over my shoulder and so at that time I noticed there was a package laying on the back seat, I didn't pay too much attention and I said, ***"What's the package, Lee?"
And he said, "Curtain rods," and I said, "Oh, yes, you told me you was going to bring some today."*** That is the reason, the main reason he was going over there that Thursday afternoon when he was to bring back some curtain rods, so I didn't think any more about it when he told me that.
Mr. BALL - What did the package look like?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I will be frank with you, I would just, it is right as you get out of the grocery store, just more or less out of a package, you have seen some of these brown paper sacks you can obtain from any, most of the stores, some varieties, but it was a package just roughly about two feet long.
Mr. BALL - It was, what part of the back seat was it in?
Mr. FRAZIER - It was in his side over on his side in the far back.
Mr. BALL - How much of that back seat, how much space did it take up?
Mr. FRAZIER - I would say roughly around 2 feet of the seat. (Vol. II, p.226)
There it is – the famous claim about LHO bringing curtain rods to work with him. NOW, there are a couple of things here to discuss.
Firstly, why did NO one see him enter the building with a PACKAGE of any kind! Whether it was a rifle or curtain rods? Why did NO one see the package?
Secondly, and assuredly the most important, why did Frazier NOT alert the police about this? See, Frazier would say this later on.
Mr. BALL - Did it appear to you there was some, more than just paper he was carrying, some kind of a weight he was carrying?
Mr. FRAZIER - ***Well, yes, sir; I say, because one reason I know that because I worked in a department store before and I had uncrated curtain rods when they come in, and I know if you have seen when they come straight from the factory you know how they can bundle them up and put them in there pretty compact, so he told me it was curtain rods so I didn't think any more about the package whatsoever.***
Mr. BALL - Well, from the way he carried it, the way he walked, did it appear he was carrying something that had more than the weight of a paper?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, you know like I say, I didn't pay much attention to the package other than I knew he had it under his arm and I didn't pay too much attention the way he was walking because I was walking along there looking at the railroad cars and watching the men on the diesel switch them cars and I didn't pay too much attention on how he carried the package at all. (Wes Frazier, Vol. II, pp. 228-229)
This testimony clearly shows us Frazier, from his experience in a department store, knew how curtain rods were packaged so if the package in the car did not match this why did he not suspect something? (Also, why did not hear the loud clanging of metal parts if it was the rifle? Do manufacturer’s pack curtain rods so they can bang around like this?
True, he could have gotten second-hand curtain rods and wrapped them himself, but the main issues are the paper he allegedly used was supposed to have come from the TSBD yet the WC was unable to ever show this was the case. Furthermore, the “bag” had NO traces of oil or consistent marks that matched the M-C.
In short, the WC was NOT able to prove the M-C in question was ever inside the “bag” they claimed LHO used to carry the alleged rifle to work so he could allegedly shoot JFK.
There is NO solid evidence showing us when and how LHO ever learned of the upcoming trip to Dallas by JFK. Frazier would be asked about this too!
Mr. BALL - ***Was there anything said about the President coming to Dallas that day?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; it wasn't.***
Mr. BALL - Did he say anything about that the day before?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.
Mr. BALL - ***Did you ever have any conversation with him with reference to the President's visit to Texas?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.***
Mr. BALL - When you got to the parking lot who got out of the car first?
Mr. FRAZIER - He did.
Mr. BALL - You didn't get out immediately then?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I was sitting there, say, looked at my watch
and somewhere around 7 or 8 minutes until and I saw we had a few minutes and I sat there, and as I say you can see the Freeway, Stemmons Freeway, from the warehouse and also the trains coming back and forth and I was sitting there. What I was doing--glanced up and watching cars for a minute but I was letting my engine run and getting to charge up my battery, because when you stop and start you have to charge up your battery. (Vol. II, pp. 227-228)
So how and when did LHO ever find out about the President’s trip to Dallas? Who knows, the WC only hinted at things but never showed us firmly. Here on the morning of his big day according to the WC, the day he would become “famous” he makes NO mention of it to Frazier.
I will not highlight the better known areas of the testimony, but instead focus on some things I feel are odd for the WC to focus on.
Like this:
Mr. BALL - When you came in that morning to go to work where did you go first?
Mr. FRAZIER - I went like I did every morning, I went down in the basement there and hung up my coat and put up my lunch.
Mr. BALL - ***Did you see Oswald down there?***
Mr. FRAZIER - No; I didn't.
Mr. BALL - Then you went to work?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - How did you get to the basement?
Mr. FRAZIER - Went down through the, now over there where they have--are you familiar with the Depository Building?
Mr. BALL - Only through the map.
Mr. FRAZIER - We have the
Mr. BALL - There is the map of the first floor. Does it show the steps leading down to the basement?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. You see the one there where you have the arrow that is one entrance to the basement and that is the entrance I used the biggest part of the time, that is the one I go down.
Mr. BALL - ***Did you see Oswald there?***
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. BALL - Now, you knew that the President was going to pass that building sometime that morning, didn't you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I heard he would.
Mr. BALL - Did you talk to some of the men around there about it?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. BALL - Did you ever talk to Oswald about that?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't. (Vol. II, pp. 232-233)
Why all the interest in LHO? IF being in these areas of the building were “suspicious” why weren’t they questioning Frazier more about his presence in these areas of the building?
What about this leading stuff?
Mr. BALL - Had the police officers come in there and talked to you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; they come in and talked to all of us. They asked us to show our proper identification, and then they had us to.write our name down and who to get in touch with if they wanted to see us.
Mr. BALL - Did they ask you where you had been at the time the President passed?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; they had. I told them I was out on the steps there.
Mr. BALL - Asked you who you were with?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; I told them and naturally Mr. Shelley and Billy vouched for me and so they didn't think anything about it.
Mr. BALL - ***Did you hear anybody around there asking for Lee Oswald?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. BALL - At any time before you went home, did you hear anybody ask for Lee?***
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I don't believe they did, because they, you know, like one man showed us, we had to give proper identification and after we passed him he told us to walk on then to the next man, and we, you know, put down proper information where he could be found if they wanted to see you and talk to you any more, and then we went on up to a little bit more to the front entrance more toward Mr. Shelley's office there with another man and stood there for a little while and told us all that was there could go ahead and go home.
Mr. BALL - Then you went on home?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right. (Vol. II, pp. 236-237)
Why would people be asking for LHO so fast? Why would people moments after seeing the President get shot be running around asking “Where is LHO?”
What do we have here?
Mr. BALL - ***Before you left, did you look for Oswald to see about taking him home?
Mr. FRAZIER - No; I didn't, sir.
Mr. BALL - Was there some reason why you didn't?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; I did. Because like I told you, he was going home to get the curtain rods*** and I asked him at the time, the same time, it would be about that, would he be going home with me Friday afternoon like he had been doing, he said no. So naturally when they let us go I took on off because I thought maybe they had already dismissed him and he went on home.
Mr. BALL - When you talked to him on Thursday and he told you he wouldn't be going home on Friday, did he tell you what he was going to do, why he wasn't going to go home?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he didn't.
Mr. BALL - Did you talk to him again on Friday morning as to whether or not he had changed his mind? Did you ask him whether or not you could pick him up at the end of the day?
Mr. FRAZIER - To be frank with you, Mr. Ball, I am not sure.
Mr. BALL - Whether you did or not.
Did anybody tell you that Lee Oswald was missing before you went home?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; they didn't. (Vol. II, p. 237)
Note the section in the ***_*** brackets! Oops! They messed up! In the haste to get him to say something, anything, about folks looking for LHO or him looking for LHO to take him home, they caused Frazier to say the truth! Notice the part where he says…”Yes, sir; I did. Because like I told you, he was going home to get the curtain rods…”
I encourage everyone to read the rest of his testimony as there are many other interesting things in it, but in an effort to keep this shorter, I will end it here.
Think about the astronomical odds it would take to arrange the things I began with. Think about the 2-3 block walk with a package he would have had to make. Think of the curtain rods and how HE WAS GOING TO GO HOME AFTER WORK TO GET THEM! At no time was the Paine’s house “home” for LHO, so how could he have them after spending the night at the Paines?
I wonder what odds the folks at the Las Vegas, Nevada, gambling sites would put on the following scenario:
1 – A man moves to the Dallas area from Alabama just two months before a HUGE event.
2 – The man has a sister in the area, and she agrees to let him stay with her despite being married with children to raise.
3- His sister will live within a ½ block of a woman who is storing the possessions of a man who will be tied to this HUGE event in a couple of months time.
4 – He finds work at a place that will be tied up in this HUGE event.
5 – The man, who has his possessions just a ½ block away, along with his wife and kids, will also get employment there too! This man could have quickly quit and took a more permanent job that would pay him $100.00 more a month, but he opts to keep his very temporary job (supposedly it could have ended in a few weeks) with a lower salary!
6- The man who moved here to live with his sister would be in a position to give the other man a ride to work occasionally and see “curtain rods!”
What do you think these odds would be? Astronomical would be my guess, but we are supposed to believe all of this occurred by “chance” according to the Warren Commission (WC)!
The first man is of course Wesley Frazier, the sister is Linnie Mae Randall, the very close neighbor is Ruth Paine and finally the second man is Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO).
ALL of this allowed the WC to claim LHO brought to work the alleged murder weapon on the morning of November 22, 1963!
Mr. BALL - Where do you work?
Mr. FRAZIER - Work at Texas School Books.
Mr. BALL - How long have you worked there?
Mr. FRAZIER - I have been working there since September.
Mr. BALL - September of 1963?
Mr. FRAZIER - Correct.
Mr. BALL - What kind of work do you do there?
Mr. FRAZIER - I fill orders.
Mr. BALL - How did you happen to get that job?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I went to see, first I come up there and started looking for a job and couldn't find one myself so I went to one of these employment agencies and through that a lady called up one morning, I was fixing to go out and look for one, I was looking for myself in the meantime when they were, too, and so she called up and gave me a tip to it if I was interested in a job like that I could go over there and see about that and for the time being I wasn't working and needed some money and so I did and I went over there and saw Mr. Truly, and he gave me an interview, and then he hired me the same day I went over there.
Mr. BALL - You say you came up, you mean you came up from Huntsville?
Mr. FRAZIER - That is right; yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - That was in September 1963?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; it was. (Vol. II, p. 212)
Coincidence, or more? YOU decide.
There is something interested in this tidbit of testimony that never seemed to register with me, or it seems anyone else, as I don’t recall it.
Mr. BALL - Did you have a place to park your car?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Was it assigned to you by Mr. Truly?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he just said we had a parking lot there and showed me where it was and said you can park in the parking lot.
Mr. BALL - Was that the parking lot two or three blocks from the building.
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir, it is down there; right across from the warehouse there.
Mr. BALL - Then you would walk from there from that parking lot--
Mr. FRAZIER - Up to the other Depository up there at the corner of Houston and Main. (Vol. II, pp. 413-414)
Did you see it? Mr. Ball says “Was that the parking lot two or three blocks from the building?” and Frazier says “Yes sir.” I just assumed the parking lot was closer than this and must have either not read this part thoroughly before or it did NOT register as I said, because this changes a lot. Most parking lots are right near the building for most places of work so I just thought this was the case here. This testimony opens up so many new possibilities it is not funny. We are expected to believe that LHO got out carrying a long package for TWO OR THREE BLOCKS with NO one seeing him do so BEYOND Frazier who was back at the car? Keep in mind that NO one saw LHO enter the building with a package, so if he did leave Frazier’s car with one, what did he do with it during the two to three block walk?
IF you believe that he had a package then you must believe he hid it or left it somewhere along the route to the building. Why would he do that IF he was the LONE shooter as the WC said? This point does NOT absolve LHO from being involved in the conspiracy, no, in fact, it could show (IF he had a package which is highly doubtful based on the evidence at hand) he was involved in a non-shooter way, and he was instructed to bring a rifle to work for a staged attempt or a real attempt on JFK.
The official theory side wants us to believe he got out of the car with a package, walked to the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) with it, entered the building with it, BUT the evidence does NOT show this. IF he had a package he had to leave it or hide it for someone else to use. Testimony by Ed Hoffman would show there were places to hide a rifle near the knoll area.
(Side note - Frazier also mentioned quite a few times how old his car was and if someone out there is interested you can read about the young man who visited the Sportsdrome Rifle Range with an old car. I don’t have the testimony right in front of me, but I believe one of the Davis sisters was involved in this business and she mentioned it during her testimony.)
We are led to believe LHO was a rabid Communist and general loudmouth about all his beliefs and causes, yet look at this snippet of testimony from Frazier!
Mr. BALL - Did he say anything about being in the Marines?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes; he told me he was a Marine.
Mr. BALL - That he had been to Japan?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he didn't say he had been to Japan.
Mr. BALL -*** Ever talk about politics?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he didn't. ***
Mr. BALL - Ever mention any subjects like, political parties, the
Democrats, Republicans?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he didn't.
Mr. BALL - ***Ever mention anything about Communists, Marxists or any words like that did he use?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.*** (Vol. II, p. 220)
It would seem LHO was falling down on the propaganda job, huh?
LHO always took a lunch with him when riding with Frazier, according to Frazier, so why could LHO simply not have brought his lunch on 11/22/63 with him?
Mr. BALL - Did you pack your lunch from home?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir, I always took lunch.
Mr. BALL - Do you remember whether or not when Oswald came back with you on any Monday morning or any weekend did he pack his lunch?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; he did.
Mr. BALL - He did?
Mr. FRAZIER - ***Yes, sir. When he rode with me, I say he always brought lunch except that one day on November 22 he didn't bring his lunch that day.***
Mr. BALL - But every other day he brought a lunch?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right, when he rode with me.
Mr. BALL - Would he bring it in a paper sack or what kind of a container?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; like a little paper sack you get out of a grocery store, you have seen these little old sacks that you could buy, sandwich bag, sack. (Vol. II, p.220)
Why would he not bring his lunch this time? The answer is obvious from a WC perspective, because he was going to be mowing down President John F. Kennedy (JFK) at lunchtime and didn’t need it! But wait, didn’t LHO say he was eating lunch around 12:00 PM? Didn’t folks he described out of a whole company eat lunch at the same time? Didn’t Carolyn Walter see him in the lunchroom? Yes is the answer to all of these questions, so why did he NOT bring his lunch on this day supposedly?
We don’t know that he didn’t, we just have a claim he didn’t.
Again, what are the odds that his sister just happened to live within a ½ block of the Paines?
Mr. BALL - You know where the house is, don't you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Where Mrs. Paine lives?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - How far is that from your house?
Mr. FRAZIER - Like I say, it is just about half a block up the street.
Mr. BALL - It is on the same street, is it?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, we lived at the corner of Westbrook and Fifth Street, and Fifth Street runs on up, you know, and I say they live on Fifth Street. (Vol. II, p. 223)
Coincidence? You decide.
We are led to believe LHO was walking around with a TWO FOOT long package (if you believe Frazier and Randall and 27” package if you believe the FBI and WC), and yet, no one made a comment on it!
Mr. BALL - Now, did your sister say anything as you were having breakfast?
Mr. FRAZIER - No; she didn't say anything to me at all.
Mr. BALL - She didn't say anything to you either about Oswald or did she?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; say, she didn't say, you know, when I looked up and saw him I knew who it was.
Mr. BALL - You saw him?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - What was he doing?
Mr. FRAZIER - He just looked through the kitchen window. To see from there on the ground outside there. I say you don't have to be any height at all, you don't have to be too tall to be able to look in the kitchen window there. I say, if you have the window open you can see in, if you have light on in there.
Mr. BALL - When your mother mentioned, "Who is that," you looked up and saw Lee Oswald in the kitchen window?
Mr. FRAZIER - I just saw him for a split second and when he saw I saw him, I guess he heard me say, "Well, it is time to go," and he walked down by the back door there. (Vol. II, p. 225)
So we see his mom (who was staying with them for a short visit) didn’t see a package, he didn’t see a package yet and his sister didn’t see a package yet! But we are supposed to believe his sister saw it good enough to say it was about 2 feet long! When did this happen for her? I don’t know because he would say this next.
Mr. BALL - When you went out the back door where was Oswald?
Mr. FRAZIER - He was standing just a few feet there outside the back door there.
Mr. BALL - He wasn't in the car?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he wasn't.
Mr. BALL - Was he near the car?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he wasn't.
You see, always I keep my car parked outside the carport there, on the other side.
Mr. BALL - He was just a few feet outside your back door when you came out?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - Did you walk together to the car?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes; we did.
Mr. BALL - And you got in one side and he got in the other?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes. Right in front there. (Vol. II, pp. 225-226)
So we are to believe that LHO was standing there like “Rainman” and had already put the package into the car, huh? Fair enough, but again I would ask how did Linnie Mae see the package to say it was ONLY 2 feet long? I would love to say she did see it since it has been shown a 40” Carcano broken down is still longer than two feet, but to be fair we have to ask this question.
Now we come to the infamous “curtain rods” claim.
Mr. BALL - You both got in the car about the same time?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - All right. When you got in the car did you say anything to him or did he say anything to you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Let's see, when I got in the car I have a kind of habit of glancing over my shoulder and so at that time I noticed there was a package laying on the back seat, I didn't pay too much attention and I said, ***"What's the package, Lee?"
And he said, "Curtain rods," and I said, "Oh, yes, you told me you was going to bring some today."*** That is the reason, the main reason he was going over there that Thursday afternoon when he was to bring back some curtain rods, so I didn't think any more about it when he told me that.
Mr. BALL - What did the package look like?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I will be frank with you, I would just, it is right as you get out of the grocery store, just more or less out of a package, you have seen some of these brown paper sacks you can obtain from any, most of the stores, some varieties, but it was a package just roughly about two feet long.
Mr. BALL - It was, what part of the back seat was it in?
Mr. FRAZIER - It was in his side over on his side in the far back.
Mr. BALL - How much of that back seat, how much space did it take up?
Mr. FRAZIER - I would say roughly around 2 feet of the seat. (Vol. II, p.226)
There it is – the famous claim about LHO bringing curtain rods to work with him. NOW, there are a couple of things here to discuss.
Firstly, why did NO one see him enter the building with a PACKAGE of any kind! Whether it was a rifle or curtain rods? Why did NO one see the package?
Secondly, and assuredly the most important, why did Frazier NOT alert the police about this? See, Frazier would say this later on.
Mr. BALL - Did it appear to you there was some, more than just paper he was carrying, some kind of a weight he was carrying?
Mr. FRAZIER - ***Well, yes, sir; I say, because one reason I know that because I worked in a department store before and I had uncrated curtain rods when they come in, and I know if you have seen when they come straight from the factory you know how they can bundle them up and put them in there pretty compact, so he told me it was curtain rods so I didn't think any more about the package whatsoever.***
Mr. BALL - Well, from the way he carried it, the way he walked, did it appear he was carrying something that had more than the weight of a paper?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, you know like I say, I didn't pay much attention to the package other than I knew he had it under his arm and I didn't pay too much attention the way he was walking because I was walking along there looking at the railroad cars and watching the men on the diesel switch them cars and I didn't pay too much attention on how he carried the package at all. (Wes Frazier, Vol. II, pp. 228-229)
This testimony clearly shows us Frazier, from his experience in a department store, knew how curtain rods were packaged so if the package in the car did not match this why did he not suspect something? (Also, why did not hear the loud clanging of metal parts if it was the rifle? Do manufacturer’s pack curtain rods so they can bang around like this?
True, he could have gotten second-hand curtain rods and wrapped them himself, but the main issues are the paper he allegedly used was supposed to have come from the TSBD yet the WC was unable to ever show this was the case. Furthermore, the “bag” had NO traces of oil or consistent marks that matched the M-C.
In short, the WC was NOT able to prove the M-C in question was ever inside the “bag” they claimed LHO used to carry the alleged rifle to work so he could allegedly shoot JFK.
There is NO solid evidence showing us when and how LHO ever learned of the upcoming trip to Dallas by JFK. Frazier would be asked about this too!
Mr. BALL - ***Was there anything said about the President coming to Dallas that day?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; it wasn't.***
Mr. BALL - Did he say anything about that the day before?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.
Mr. BALL - ***Did you ever have any conversation with him with reference to the President's visit to Texas?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir.***
Mr. BALL - When you got to the parking lot who got out of the car first?
Mr. FRAZIER - He did.
Mr. BALL - You didn't get out immediately then?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I was sitting there, say, looked at my watch
and somewhere around 7 or 8 minutes until and I saw we had a few minutes and I sat there, and as I say you can see the Freeway, Stemmons Freeway, from the warehouse and also the trains coming back and forth and I was sitting there. What I was doing--glanced up and watching cars for a minute but I was letting my engine run and getting to charge up my battery, because when you stop and start you have to charge up your battery. (Vol. II, pp. 227-228)
So how and when did LHO ever find out about the President’s trip to Dallas? Who knows, the WC only hinted at things but never showed us firmly. Here on the morning of his big day according to the WC, the day he would become “famous” he makes NO mention of it to Frazier.
I will not highlight the better known areas of the testimony, but instead focus on some things I feel are odd for the WC to focus on.
Like this:
Mr. BALL - When you came in that morning to go to work where did you go first?
Mr. FRAZIER - I went like I did every morning, I went down in the basement there and hung up my coat and put up my lunch.
Mr. BALL - ***Did you see Oswald down there?***
Mr. FRAZIER - No; I didn't.
Mr. BALL - Then you went to work?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
Mr. BALL - How did you get to the basement?
Mr. FRAZIER - Went down through the, now over there where they have--are you familiar with the Depository Building?
Mr. BALL - Only through the map.
Mr. FRAZIER - We have the
Mr. BALL - There is the map of the first floor. Does it show the steps leading down to the basement?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. You see the one there where you have the arrow that is one entrance to the basement and that is the entrance I used the biggest part of the time, that is the one I go down.
Mr. BALL - ***Did you see Oswald there?***
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. BALL - Now, you knew that the President was going to pass that building sometime that morning, didn't you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I heard he would.
Mr. BALL - Did you talk to some of the men around there about it?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. BALL - Did you ever talk to Oswald about that?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't. (Vol. II, pp. 232-233)
Why all the interest in LHO? IF being in these areas of the building were “suspicious” why weren’t they questioning Frazier more about his presence in these areas of the building?
What about this leading stuff?
Mr. BALL - Had the police officers come in there and talked to you?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; they come in and talked to all of us. They asked us to show our proper identification, and then they had us to.write our name down and who to get in touch with if they wanted to see us.
Mr. BALL - Did they ask you where you had been at the time the President passed?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; they had. I told them I was out on the steps there.
Mr. BALL - Asked you who you were with?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; I told them and naturally Mr. Shelley and Billy vouched for me and so they didn't think anything about it.
Mr. BALL - ***Did you hear anybody around there asking for Lee Oswald?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't.
Mr. BALL - At any time before you went home, did you hear anybody ask for Lee?***
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I don't believe they did, because they, you know, like one man showed us, we had to give proper identification and after we passed him he told us to walk on then to the next man, and we, you know, put down proper information where he could be found if they wanted to see you and talk to you any more, and then we went on up to a little bit more to the front entrance more toward Mr. Shelley's office there with another man and stood there for a little while and told us all that was there could go ahead and go home.
Mr. BALL - Then you went on home?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right. (Vol. II, pp. 236-237)
Why would people be asking for LHO so fast? Why would people moments after seeing the President get shot be running around asking “Where is LHO?”
What do we have here?
Mr. BALL - ***Before you left, did you look for Oswald to see about taking him home?
Mr. FRAZIER - No; I didn't, sir.
Mr. BALL - Was there some reason why you didn't?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; I did. Because like I told you, he was going home to get the curtain rods*** and I asked him at the time, the same time, it would be about that, would he be going home with me Friday afternoon like he had been doing, he said no. So naturally when they let us go I took on off because I thought maybe they had already dismissed him and he went on home.
Mr. BALL - When you talked to him on Thursday and he told you he wouldn't be going home on Friday, did he tell you what he was going to do, why he wasn't going to go home?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; he didn't.
Mr. BALL - Did you talk to him again on Friday morning as to whether or not he had changed his mind? Did you ask him whether or not you could pick him up at the end of the day?
Mr. FRAZIER - To be frank with you, Mr. Ball, I am not sure.
Mr. BALL - Whether you did or not.
Did anybody tell you that Lee Oswald was missing before you went home?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; they didn't. (Vol. II, p. 237)
Note the section in the ***_*** brackets! Oops! They messed up! In the haste to get him to say something, anything, about folks looking for LHO or him looking for LHO to take him home, they caused Frazier to say the truth! Notice the part where he says…”Yes, sir; I did. Because like I told you, he was going home to get the curtain rods…”
I encourage everyone to read the rest of his testimony as there are many other interesting things in it, but in an effort to keep this shorter, I will end it here.
Think about the astronomical odds it would take to arrange the things I began with. Think about the 2-3 block walk with a package he would have had to make. Think of the curtain rods and how HE WAS GOING TO GO HOME AFTER WORK TO GET THEM! At no time was the Paine’s house “home” for LHO, so how could he have them after spending the night at the Paines?